Recognizing Natural Awareness

Registration for this retreat is closed

Registration is closed for this retreat.
April 21 - April 28, 2023 (Friday to Friday)

This retreat is full with a short waitlist. To be added to the list, submit a registration and deposit.

Meditation can be seen as the process of learning to recognize and trust a natural quality of awareness that is available to all of us in any moment no matter what is happening in our experience. This awareness allows us to open to and connect with the truth of each moment.

As we gain confidence in the mind's ability to recognize this natural awareness we begin to release the burden of trying to control, manipulate, or fix experience so that it meets our ideas of the way it should be, and relax into the truth of the way it actually is.

Clear seeing and wisdom arise naturally and we see directly for ourselves what leads to well-being and freedom and what leads to suffering, both in our own life and in the world around us. Through this process we begin to live our lives from a place of greater balance, integrity, confidence, and connection.

This silent retreat, open to both beginners and experienced meditators, will offer guided meditations and instructions, time for questions and discussion with the teachers. Optional mindful movement based on qigong will be offered by teacher Greg Scharf.

A limited number of You Choose fee spaces are available for ages 18-26. This means you can establish your own retreat fee, based on your financial means. A minimum of $25 per day is required (i.e. a minimum of $175 for the entire retreat). Email to apply.

All Hemera Contemplative Fellowships have been awarded for this retreat. Please feel free to check back here for any updates.

Teacher Support: Most IMS teachers—like insight teachers around the world—offer their teachings freely, and rely on the generosity of students for their livelihood. Teachers do not generally receive compensation from IMS program fees. Click here to learn more about teacher support. There will be an opportunity to offer a contribution to your teachers at the end of this program, or you may donate now.
