IMS Movement Instructor

Catherine Khang Banson

IMS Teacher

Catherine Khang Banson

When on retreat, Catherine treasures the chance to remember her body in mindful movement sessions which add an important dimension to knowing and caring for herself. She models her teaching on what has resonated with her: slow, humble and quiet guidance that respects agency, boundaries and inner wisdom.

Catherine has practiced yoga for over 20 years and is an RYT-200 as well as a therapist, social worker, instructor of Parent Effectiveness Training, and former lawyer. A graduate of the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program and Warrior One Mindfulness Teacher Training, Catherine is a longtime mentor and assistant teacher at Inward Bound Mindfulness teen retreats. She will be movement teacher at the inaugural gap year program Contemplative Semester in Fall 2024. Catherine has three adult children and is a big ally to the LGBTQ+ community.